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Strategies on moisture management and conservation of Soil & Water

Method – 1: Cover Crops

  • Improves soil structure and soil fertility
  • Reduces soil erosion and water rain water run off
  • Suppress weeds
  • Provides food and manure
  • Improves soil moisture and reduces surface crusting
  • Reduces high fluctuations of soil temperature
  • Some cover crops can provide good cash income
  • A good alternative source of mulch, especially where crop residue are
  • important animal feed
Method – 2: Mulching

  • Increases soil moisture
  • Reduces evaporation from soil surface
  • Suppresses weeds
  • Reduce high fluctuation in soil temperature
  • Increases soil organic matter
  • Protects soil from splash erosion and water run off

Method – 3: Earth Basin

  • Can be constructed easily by hand
  • Improved soil moisture and water availability to plants
  • No rain water is lost through run off and the risk of erosion is reduced

Method – 4: Semi circular Bunds

  • Easy to construct
  • Suitable for farmlands with gradiant
  • Increases soil moisture
  • Reduces erosion

Method – 5: Planting Pits

  • Trap run off water and increases soil moisture
  • Reduce soil and water erosion
Method – 6: Stone lines along the 

  • Slows down water run-off and thereby increases infiltration and soil moisture
  • Induces a natural process of terracing
  • Reduces erosion
  • Rehabilitates eroded land by trapping silt

Method – 7: Contour Furrows

  • Improved Soil moisture
  • Water availability for plants
  • Reduced risk of erosion
    Method – 8: Water Harvesting 
by external catchment

  • Improves yield security
  • Irrigation can be carried out during dry spells
  • Increases available water amounts for crops
  • Allows irrigation by gravity

Method – 9: Contour Farming

  • Reduces run off and soil erosion
  • Reduces nutrient loss

Method – 10: Retention Ditches

  • Retains run off and improve soil moisture
  • Reduces soil erosion
  • Makes it possible to grow water demanding crops in dry farms

 Half Moon Bunds


Author : Soil Vasu
Email :
Mobile: 9483467779


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