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Cultivation of Red Gram/Black Gram/Green Gram.

Growing Pulses 

A session on CWF Whatsapp group Held on 31st March 2018
Session Leader : Sivaram gadde from Kurnool Andhra Pradesh, Doing Natural farming from past 3 years.Session in session leaders own words

As I am in less rainfall area. I preferred to go with Pulses, like red gram, green gram, black gram with intercropping of Millets

You can refer

1. Red gram
Red gram/Pigeon pea/Tur is good source of Protein..
Sowing time: 

Kharif : June,July
Rabi : Sep 15 to Oct 15

Seed rate
2-3kgs (Kharif) / 6-8 kgs(Rabi season)

Seed spacing
150*20 cm or 180*20 cm

160-180 days (Kharif) / 120-125 days (Rabi)

Saline soils/ water clogging soils avoid... Rest of the Soils are fine.

6-8 Quintals / 5-6 Quintals.

Less duration crops like Green gram, Black gram, Groundnut., Millets like Finger millet, Pearl millet, Foxtail millet. Popular and regular intercrop are Red gram + cotton

Before flowering time and Pod formation time is must for high yields.

2. Black Gram
Sowing time:
Kharif : June 15 , July15
Rabi : Oct
After Paddy harvest : Nov – Dec first week
Summer : Feb-March

Seed rate: 
5-7kgs (Kharif) / 6-8 kgs(Rabi)

Seed spacing: 
30*10 cm

70-80 days

6-8 Q / 5-6 Q

Soil:   Saline soils/ water clogging soils avoid

3. Green gram
Sowing time:
Kharif : June - July
Rabi : Oct
After Paddy harvest : Nov – Dec first week (10-12kgs)
Summer : Feb-March (6-7kgs)

Seed rate:
6-8 kgs

Seed spacing:
30*10 cm

70-80 days

6-8Q / 5-6Q

Saline soils/ water clogging soils avoid

Cotton or Redgram

For all pulses intercropping can be done with millets. Most of the millets crop duration completes by 90-120 days.

Green Gram

Green gram with Red Gram ( 5:1)

Red gram + Black gram + finger millet

For pictures and pattern check the link. As an educated farmer . I understood the value of Post Harvesting and I even succeeded with Value added to my produce. If we Split the Pulses in traditional process.. we will get very good taste.. so that we can easily promote our produce. I processed Turdal, green gram split, Blackgram split.

Sprouted ... sundry then splitting..Different area people do it in different way.. let me share my way.. Red gram keep it in the Drum of water.. rotate it with Stick for every hour for 5 to 6 hrs..especially in the day time.. By evening we should take out and cover with Gunny bags so that heat should generate and let it be like that throughout the night..By morning we can see sprouted red gram..Then Sun dry it for at least 2 days depends up on temperature can be extended to 3 days.then Splitting can be done through Millstone or machine.if we do like this .... Dal taste is good.

Karnataka method of processing :They make a slurry of red soil and splash it on toor whole grains. It is seen that whole of the grains are covered by the slurry and then it is dried well. This drying action causes the skin of the whole grain to contract developing cracks. Then it is either split in mills or by using grinding stones. The sprouting and splitting seems to be less work than the red soil method

Any pest issues faced Anna? Most common ones
I gave regular intervals of Jeevamrutam and Neemastram. When we go with intercropping.. Pest attacks are less.. even we can ignore

2. At what intervals? Any specific periods?
15days JA, initially Neemastram for every 3 weeks

3. Where did u procure seed at initial stages? How you are maintaining them?
Pulses Seeds I preferred my Local native seeds.. I observe less pest attack

4. How are you storing seeds for next season?
After harvesting I will keep good sized seeds for next crop..For storing seeds should be well sun dry..

5. What do you mix the seeds with for good storage?
I simply stored like that.. once in a month Sun dried.. preferably on Amavasya..Commonly Castor oil should be applied and stored in Cowdung ash. But I do not follow this

6. Which crop to sow first? Inter crop or main crop ? Or both at d same time..
Main crop and intercrop both at same time. This year I tried Red gram as main crop and Green gram as intercrop. After 60 days green gram harvested.. then I tried horse gram as it is not competitor with red gram with height

7. After harvest are the plants ploughed back into soil?
We will keep like that.. later we remove

8. By growing only pulses will the soil not become depleted of some nutrients and more rich in N? How do you balance the soil between successive crops?
Total duration of crops is around 180 days.Rest of the period we leave the land fallow.

9. Can we try soya beans as inter crop? Do we have market n processing facility for soya?
Ofcourse that’s why we should try with monocot dicot pattern. In this pattern I mixed Jowar seeds with Horse gram (1:10) as 2nd intercrop

10. During the fallow period do wild grass or other "weeds" take over the soil? Do you continue feeding jeevamrutha and neemastra during the fallow period too? Do you see substantial changes in the soil structure now?
First year i faced weeding problem... as i gone with Monocrop.. if we go with Intercropping weeding is not a problem.. may be initially we may face..

11. How do u store millets? And what about processing of millets?
In millets Pest attack only when the grain is not properly dried and also when it is not dehusked.

12. No mulching was required..soil seems to be clayey?
Not required..selecting of intercrop is important.. intercrop should cover the soil with in 21 days..It acts as live mulch

13. Can you share the monocots and dicots ?
Most of the pulses are Dicots..millets are monocot

14. What is the sowing process Anna? Manual?
With Bulls..

15. Is the land prepared prior to sowing with panchakavya?
Panchakavya is costly method of farming.. I followed only ZBNF

16. What are hardships you faced in growing pulses?
As I am doing dry land farming proper rains are required.. last season I experienced weird rain pattern..At the time of harvest half of the Pods are dried and half of them are green.. so I picked only dried one so labour cost piled up..Usually all crop(90%)dried at harvesting time.. then it’s easy to harvest


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